Pink Laces

Easton's LacesEvery piece of a football players uniform and equipment has a job to do. For the most part - from mouth guards and face masks to helmets and shoulder pads - the job is one of protection. The uniform is also designed to communicate. For instance, a player's number not only helps identify who he is, but also signifies the position that he plays.

Last week, when Cindy began her latest battle with cancer, a football players uniform took on added importance for us. Mixed in with the many prayers and well wishes received from friends and family, was a simple heartfelt photograph sent by a very special first-time player. Our oldest grandson Easton (almost ten) laced up his new cleats for the very first time. No big deal, you might think. Except the laces he chose were brilliant pink! He'd seen the pros do it and he knew it was how he wanted to dress for tryouts. His uniform, that day, was designed to communicate a special love between him and his Grandma Cindy and to protect her from the cancer that would be her opponent.

We love you Easton. Thanks for saying so much without saying or writing a single word.

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  • Mohammad Zahoor
    Aug. 5, 2013
    Easton- I was already a fan of yours but after reading this blog, you must be an angel. What a powerful message and a support. In my eyes, not many folks in this world even think this way to show support and love.........You are one of a kind. I am learning from you. Hope to meet you in person some day.
  • Your Name
    Aug. 4, 2013
    Wonderful story, Rod. Gave me goosebumps. What a great kid!! P.S.KEEP KICKING A$$, Cindy!!

The Fine Print

Rod Brooks (that's me) is VP & CMO of PEMCO Mutual Insurance Company and serves as Immediate Past Chair of the Board of Directors for the Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA).  It's important to disclose both of those relationships and to be clear that this is my personal blog where I share thoughts and opinions that are solely my own.  Contact me!

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