Life is meant to be lived. . .

Kathy Goertzen  

"I'm Tough. I'm A Cougar."

"I refuse to let this brain tumor define who I am. I'm still me, I'm not a brain tumor. I'm still me, I'm not . . .  sick." 
- Kathi Goertzen

Sometimes when looking for the edge you find the person who has it, but you still can't identify it. When that happens, look harder and listen closer. It might be more apparent than you think.

Tonight, while skimming my Facebook news feed, I saw a familiar face - but it wasn't the same face. The person in the picture was both different and familiar at the same time. It was Kathi. The same Kathi who we've welcomed into our northwest homes for 30 years as a respected and admired local news anchor. And she looked like she was hurt. 

Her picture caused me to pause and read her story. She was, once again, preparing to do battle with a brain tumor that had been her enemy for so many years. As I read the
story, I wondered where her courage, her conviction, and her will to fight originated. It wasn't obvious to me where her determination was coming from or where she got her edge.  

And then I saw it. I heard it in her voice at the very beginning of the video. Some of you probably heard it too. These were her words. "I'm tough. I'm a Cougar."

God bless you Kathi. Thanks for sharing your story. Get well soon!

Click here for the full story via - Be sure to watch the video.

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  • Shari Campbell
    Feb. 4, 2011
    What an inspiring story. No pity, just determination. Thanks for sharing, Rod.
  • Patricia Belyea
    Feb. 3, 2011
    What a beautiful woman.
  • Bryan Person
    Feb. 2, 2011
    Wow, what a story, Rod. Thanks for sharing Kathi's brave battle.

The Fine Print

Rod Brooks (that's me) is VP & CMO of PEMCO Mutual Insurance Company and serves as Immediate Past Chair of the Board of Directors for the Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA).  It's important to disclose both of those relationships and to be clear that this is my personal blog where I share thoughts and opinions that are solely my own.  Contact me!

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