Values, Passion & Experience

Man presenting med

The presentation edge.

Standing at the front of the auditorium with a remote microphone attached to your shirt collar is frequently described as a frightening experience - one that causes palms to sweat and voices to crack. But for me, it's a rush. I get fueled by the energy of the people in the audience and the opportunity to share. 

Sure, there's a nervous excitement that comes with each new opportunity. Thoughts go flashing through my mind about whether the video will work and hoping that the joke will get a laugh. But when that nervousness is converted to enthusiasm, the adrenaline takes over in a way that feels pretty special. Like an actor on a stage, or a trial lawyer in a courtroom, the passionate presenter knows that feeling.

I've had the opportunity to stand at the podium on behalf of WOMMA twice in the past 10 days. It's a privilege and a pleasure. Each time, I feel a little more passionate about the values that WOMMA embraces and proud of my opportunity to serve as the associations board president. I feel passion too, for the special time we are in as marketers - a time when the customer plays an increasingly active role in the definition of our brands. 

When the opportunity is right, I share the story of the company that has been part of my life for the last eleven years and the value PEMCO Insurance places on relationships, the voice of the customer, and our dream to "never have to advertise for a lead again."  I'm finding that it takes a blending of both stories - one about WOMMA's values and another of a companies journey to a socailly engaged enterprise - to ignite the interest and energy of the audience. That's when inspiring moments seem to surface most.

It's at the intersection where values, passion, and experience come together that the edge exists.  (Click here for detail on each of the two presentations).

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  • Rod
    Feb. 17, 2011
    Thanks for the note and the compliment Steve. What color would passionate blood be? It must be Crimson and Gray if I bleed it! A nice chance to throw in a "Go Cougs!"
  • Steve P
    Feb. 17, 2011
    This comes as no surprise, nor would I be surprised to see this grow beyond even what you see today. If they cut you with a knife, you would bleed passion. You put your entire self into everything you do. Public speaking is a natural for you. Even better, you love doing it. I'm happy for you Rod.

The Fine Print

Rod Brooks (that's me) is VP & CMO of PEMCO Mutual Insurance Company and serves as Immediate Past Chair of the Board of Directors for the Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA).  It's important to disclose both of those relationships and to be clear that this is my personal blog where I share thoughts and opinions that are solely my own.  Contact me!

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