Tip 2 - Advice for agencies looking for an edge - A clients perspective.








"Never stop educating your client" - David Dallaire, Principal, Fennec Consulting

The type of relationship a client has with an agency can take several forms - strategic or tactical, partnership or vendor, long term or temporary. Regardless of the relationships design there are ways that agencies can increase their value to the client. In response to last weeks tip regarding loyalty, David Dallaire wrote, "... an agency should always be bringing new ideas - not just about the client's current business and industry, but some "blue ocean" strategies as well as even more mundane things like the process you use to work together." I couldn't agree more.

After more than thirty years on the client side of the equation I've come up with some tips to offer agency colleagues an edge... as seen from my side of the coin. This is the second installment in the series.

2. Commit to the journey. A great agency partner is one who knows where their client is going, understands what it takes to win and is consistently pulling in the same direction.  In this type of relationship the agency clearly knows its role and that the parntership is not a short term commitment. It requires the agency to be observant, engaged, and in motion. Rather than waiting for instructions, the agency must be capable of seeing where the client is going and travel with us.  As the client stretches into new directions, dimensions, and opportunities, so should their agency partners. To do anything less will leave the agency behind basking in yesterday's success.

Your comments, suggestions, and stories of your personal edge are always welcome in my guest book.

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The Fine Print

Rod Brooks (that's me) is VP & CMO of PEMCO Mutual Insurance Company and serves as Immediate Past Chair of the Board of Directors for the Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA).  It's important to disclose both of those relationships and to be clear that this is my personal blog where I share thoughts and opinions that are solely my own.  Contact me!

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