Make your personality the focus of your personal brand.

Sally Square

Fascinating is her middle name!

I recently had the opportunity to meet a truly "fascinating" woman. Her name is Sally Hogshead (she jokes about her last name but I won't do that here), and she is the Creative Director and Chief Fascination Officer of the company she founded, Fascinate, Inc.

Sally is an nationally recognized and accomplished marketer, author, and speaker whose most recent work focuses on the power of persuasion, and why we become captivated by certain messages or people. Her book is titled "FASCINATE: - Your 7 Triggers of Persuasion and Captivation," and outlines the 7 triggers of fascination: Power, Passion, Mystique, Prestige, Alarm, Vice, and Trust.

Sally has created the "{F}-Score Brand Personality Test" which helps people like you and me better understand the triggers that dominate our brands as individuals. For me, the two dominate triggers are Power and Passion - two that probably come as no surprise to those that know me best. 

Sally is also a thought leader in the area of personal brands.  Her first book, published in 2005 is titled "Radical Careering." It offers 100 truths to jumpstart your job, your career and life. (NOTE: If you'ld like a free digital copy just click on the link that I've provided). Something I learned quickly about Sally is that she is not satisfied with the status quo. She pushes the envelope, gets outside the box, and beats down any of the other cliche's that you might be tempted to throw her way. 

One of the things I love about her is that she isn't afraid to think differently and challenge the status quo. Her thinking on the importance of "personality" as the differentiator in our "personal brands" struck an immediate cord with me. It's something that I've talked about in the past but her thinking hit the nail on the head. I've incorporated elements of Sally's message in my presentation that follows.

Thanks Sally.  It's been great getting to know you.

I've been asked on several occasions to share my perspective on the importance of establishing and protecting our personal brands. Of particular interest to high school and college aged audiences are thoughts regarding the use of today's social media tools and the the lasting impact of choices that they make at this stage of their lives. 

I recently spoke to a large group of undergrads and graduate students who attend Seattle University. The presentation that I shared with them incorporates a few of Sally Hedgehog's key insights. I hope that you find it helpful.

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  • Sally Hogshead
    Dec. 5, 2011
    Rod, I'm honored to be included here! How cool.

    Thank you for a brilliant WOMMA event. How excellent to finally meet you in person.

    ~ Sally

The Fine Print

Rod Brooks (that's me) is VP & CMO of PEMCO Mutual Insurance Company and serves as Immediate Past Chair of the Board of Directors for the Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA).  It's important to disclose both of those relationships and to be clear that this is my personal blog where I share thoughts and opinions that are solely my own.  Contact me!

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